Realm of Fortuitous Madness
Photo Album | Favorite Flicks | Bio | Rants and Raves | Lists | Links | Contact Me | Time | Passions | Aspirations | Journal | Beliefs | Truth or Truth?

Welcome Traffic

Welcome!  I have no idea how you stumbled upon my site, but you'll probably leave scarred.  My apologies.  Free free to browse around and check out some of the pages on this site.  But be careful - I can't afford any lawsuits.

Note: I mentioned that I would have sound bites this time around.  I'm working on it.  As soon as they are up, you'll know about it!

What's New?

Here is the run down on what is newly added and/or created:
10/23/03 - Photo album updated
10/23/03 - Band new site design
01/10/03 - Bio page updated
More updates soon!
Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.